New Orleans Tells Chicago It's the Windier City


We suppose since a New Orleans entity created and placed this board on their own in Chicago claiming its famed status as the "windier city," it makes it all OK. Apparently the old adage holds true. Poking fun at your own misery is cool. Poking fun at other's ain't. All of those cultural/political/behavioral rules aside, this is a succinctly strong and powerful advertising message. See a bigger version of the image here.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (6)     File: Good, Outdoor     Feb-18-07  


Why didn't they just put up a board with "The Murder City" It's the current image they have, it's in the press every day.

Posted by: Old Redneck on February 18, 2007 02:36 PM

The campaign is suprisingly good for anything Trumpet has done of late, all things considering. Good work dudes.

Posted by: mel on February 19, 2007 01:48 AM

Chicago is actually called the Windy City because of all the hot air that comes out of our politicians. So Washington D.C. should be claiming that title.

Posted by: Someguy on February 20, 2007 11:32 AM

Very true, Someguy, but that truth takes the fun out of the ad:-)

Posted by: Steve Hall on February 20, 2007 12:24 PM

Hard to believe, but it makes me want to never go to NOLA even more.

Posted by: daveednyc on February 20, 2007 05:59 PM

i'm from chicago and in new orleans on a 3 month project and i have held out this hope that people would stop listening to the stupid media portrayals of this city. murder capital? want to never go to NOLA even more because of an ad campaign? wow. people down here are still stinging from the ridiculous behavior of bears fans at the bears-saints game. i hope they don't get wind of this kind of ignorance.

Posted by: e on March 14, 2007 05:29 PM

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