Mac Takes Bite Out of Vista in New Mac vs. PC Ad


Shortly after a Bill Gates interview in which he discusses Vista and finally blows his top about Apple, Apple releases its latest Mac vs. PC ad. And it looks like they're getting meaner: this one features a Secret-Service-looking guy standing behind the humanized Mac and PC. Every time they say something he asks, "Cancel or allow?"

The ad pokes fun at Vista's hyper-anal new security features, which, if this ad is any authority, may hamper the user experience rather than improve it.

We don't know about you but we're pretty sick of the Mac vs. PC campaign, particularly now that they're getting damn snarky. Really, how old are we, five?

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (15)     File: Campaigns, Commercials, Television     Feb- 6-07  


The problem with Apple is its brand positioning originally expressed as, "For the rest of us." If this is all Apple wants to be in the computer world it is exactly what it will get. Interestingly, a number of Apple users I have talked to do not like this campaign because they don't like the negativity and feel the spots are sophomoric (Sophomoronic in my book.) This would suggest Apple doesn't know the rest of us as well as it claims. Steve, we know you are more creative and cooler. We know, okay? I love your neat stuff.But what about the rest of them? Does insulting them really give you hope for greater market penetration? And Bill, you've got all the money and we still love you, shut up! What we (all of us) need is a good third party candidate we can believe in. Come on Linux people, run, run, run ... on anything.

Posted by: Geoff Bush on February 6, 2007 02:32 PM


Posted by: Angela Natividad on February 6, 2007 02:36 PM

The folks I know (who are not marketing professionals) love these commercials. PV users wince knowingly at the foibles and Mac users get to feel good about their choice. As for myself, I'm amused and surprised to hear the ads charged with "smugness and snarkiness." Compared with most television advertising, they are low-key and clever.

Posted by: Bart King on February 6, 2007 03:04 PM

I'm liking them more and more as the campaign goes on.

Posted by: yikes on February 6, 2007 03:16 PM

Come on guys lighten up. This is the funniest Ad of the entire campaign. I too was getting quite annoyed but the madder old Bill gets the funnier the whole thing is.

Posted by: propaganda on February 6, 2007 03:31 PM

Come on guys lighten up. This is the funniest Ad of the entire campaign. I too was getting quite annoyed but the madder old Bill gets the funnier the whole thing is.

Posted by: propaganda on February 6, 2007 03:32 PM

LOVE the ads!!!!

But, I'm a designer and long fan of the mac.

Everyone I know in this field thinks the ads are fantastic.

Posted by: Vincent Reedy on February 6, 2007 06:07 PM

LOVE the ads!!!!

But, I'm a designer and long fan of the mac.

Everyone I know in this field thinks the ads are fantastic.

Posted by: Vincent Reedy on February 6, 2007 06:07 PM

I have to say, these are some of the most clever ads on tv right now and this new ad poking fun at Vista is hands down the funniest so far. I'm not sick of them at all and I'm a PC user!!

Posted by: Jeremy James on February 7, 2007 10:53 AM

IMHO i think these ads accomplish what all advertising should. They address the features, benefits and differences that sets Apples product apart from the competition. All the while, doing so with a simple, lower cost, solution to big budget bells and whistles commercials.

I also feel, through the choice of their actors,they have cleverly positioned the "Mac" brand as a young, fun, hip, good looking, likable brand vs. a stodgy, all business, sometimes snobbish, counterpart. They even go as far as showing how well the two get a long (an ode to Mac's ability to easily integrate in a PC environment) despite their core differences.

I can't help but wonder if those of us who find these ads immature and "snarky" are mac owners. I would venture to say probably not.

As a converted all PC guy to all MAC guy, i can say these ads hit home more than ever because they're true. What is even more funny to me is how the rest of the computing world (Including Big Bad Billy Gates) is starting to see the truth as well.

Just my .02.

Posted by: Alex on February 7, 2007 11:31 AM

IMHO i think these ads accomplish what all advertising should. They address the features, benefits and differences that sets Apples product apart from the competition. All the while, doing so with a simple, lower cost, solution to big budget bells and whistles commercials.

I also feel, through the choice of their actors,they have cleverly positioned the "Mac" brand as a young, fun, hip, good looking, likable brand vs. a stodgy, all business, sometimes snobbish, counterpart. They even go as far as showing how well the two get a long (an ode to Mac's ability to easily integrate in a PC environment) despite their core differences.

I can't help but wonder if those of us who find these ads immature and "snarky" are mac owners. I would venture to say probably not.

As a converted all PC guy to all MAC guy, i can say these ads hit home more than ever because they're true. What is even more funny to me is how the rest of the computing world (Including Big Bad Billy Gates) is starting to see the truth as well.

Just my .02.

Posted by: Alex on February 7, 2007 11:32 AM

I am a fan of the PC, and I love these ads! This one sounds great, it makes the PC look like a Mafioso boss with his bodyguard next to him making sure that no one messes with PC! \o/

Posted by: James on February 7, 2007 11:33 AM

IMHO i think these ads accomplish what all advertising should. They address the features, benefits and differences that sets Apples product apart from the competition. All the while, doing so with a simple, lower cost, solution to big budget bells and whistles commercials.

I also feel, through the choice of their actors,they have cleverly positioned the "Mac" brand as a young, fun, hip, good looking, likable brand vs. a stodgy, all business, sometimes snobbish, counterpart. They even go as far as showing how well the two get a long (an ode to Mac's ability to easily integrate in a PC environment) despite their core differences.

I can't help but wonder if those of us who find these ads immature and "snarky" are mac owners. I would venture to say probably not.

As a converted all PC guy to all MAC guy, i can say these ads hit home more than ever because they're true. What is even more funny to me is how the rest of the computing world (Including Big Bad Billy Gates) is starting to see the truth as well.

Just my .02.

Posted by: Alex on February 7, 2007 11:34 AM

I am a fan of the PC, and I love these ads! This one sounds great, it makes the PC look like a Mafioso boss with his bodyguard next to him making sure that no one messes with PC! \o/

Posted by: James on February 7, 2007 11:35 AM

I understand the detractor's points, but I love these spots in general, and this one in particular.

Posted by: pat smith on February 7, 2007 03:57 PM

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