Head of Cartoon Network Resigns Over Boston Bomb Scare


This is what it's come to. A guerrilla marketing campaign for a show no one had ever heard of and which caused a city to cry terrorism has now caused the CEO of the network that hosts the show to resign. Drudge has the resignation letter but because his flash links aren't permanent, here's the letter:

"To: Colleagues
From: Jim Samples

I am sure you are aware of recent events in which a component of an Adult Swim marketing campaign made Turner Broadcasting the unintended focus of controversy in Boston and around the world. I deeply regret the negative publicity and expense caused to our company as a result of this campaign.

As general manager of Cartoon Network, I feel compelled to step down, effective immediately, in recognition of the gravity of the situation that occurred under my watch. It's my hope that my decision allows us to put this chapter behind us and get back to our mission of delivering unrivaled original animated entertainment for consumers of all ages.

As for me, there will be new professional challenges ahead that will make the most of the experiences I've had as part of this remarkable company. Through my 13 years at the company I have found myself continuously in awe of the talented artists and business people surrounding me, from those who realize their vision in creating a cartoon to those who so brilliantly deliver the animation to viewers.

I will always cherish the experience of having worked with you. I appreciate the support that you have shown me. As a friend and a fan, I also look forward to seeing your best and most personally fulfilling work yet. Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Boomerang and each of you deserve nothing less."

Spineless appeasement to overly sensitive reactionarys or appropriate response to the blown out of proportion event?

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (21)     File: Guerilla     Feb- 9-07  


What else could he do? It's appropriate given the backlash, although I disagree with the reaction. I wonder whether anyone else got thrown under the bus over this one...

Posted by: daveednyc on February 9, 2007 03:47 PM

While I understand the business world drill that led to Jim Sample's response I agree there are several others who should have been thrown out of the door first. I expect Jim to land on his feet running and wish him nothing but the best.

Posted by: Roy on February 9, 2007 04:26 PM


have JS get in touch w/ me if he would like a bit of help with networking. so many oportunities ...

Posted by: adgoose on February 9, 2007 04:38 PM

This is a little ridiculous. From what I understand this campaign was already in 15 cities. How come nobody thinks the Boston Police just misunderstood the situation?

Posted by: Joe on February 9, 2007 04:51 PM

This is insane - what a huge blow to interesting advertising everywhere.

Boston police over reacted. No argument there. We should not allow hacks like them to intimidate a visionary and groundbreaking team like Adult Swim.

Any CEO should be proud to have nurtured such an organization.

Posted by: Enich on February 9, 2007 05:32 PM

Wrong person! Excellent letter, too bad he had to write it. BTW isn't that the most publicity CN has ever received, better than the CN billboards in my town that only preach to the choir?

Posted by: Sean on February 9, 2007 05:39 PM

Wonder if Turner forced his hand. Interference's turn now to sacrifice someone.

Posted by: makethelogobigger on February 9, 2007 06:12 PM

There are so few times when one has an opportunity to take a stand in life, and he didn't take one. The over-reaction of the Boston Police, the governor and the other officials just shows how out of touch they are.

One quick Google search would have explained it before the bomb squad started blowing up the signs.

Posted by: B.L. Ochman on February 9, 2007 06:29 PM

There are so few times when one has an opportunity to take a stand in life, and he didn't take one. He shouldn't have thrown himself on his sword so fast.

The over-reaction of the Boston Police, the governor and the other officials just shows how out of touch they are.

One quick Google search would have explained it before the bomb squad started blowing up the signs.

Posted by: B.L. Ochman on February 9, 2007 06:31 PM

Once Turner reimbursed the costs to Boston, no one should have been forcedd to resign. They should fire Interference over the whole stupid episode. And the knucklehead sell-out "artists" need to do about 1000 hours of community service.

Lesson: Don't put shit with wires under a bridge or a major highway. Ever.

The bomb squad is not comprised of 23-year-old cartoon-watching hipsters (thank God), they are trained to diffuse bombs. "A quick Google search" doesn't come up when faced with something attached to major highway support.

Posted by: mags on February 10, 2007 02:10 PM

Regarding Jim Samples: "He's the one who made all the decisions, and he didn't do anything to react to the concerns. The resignation should really serve as a message that these sorts of marketing tactics should not and will not be tolerated." --Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino

Mayor Menino, how many public resources have been wasted (and worse, how many people have died) due to mistakes made by government employees or independent contractors under your watch? Why are you so special that you're still around to celebrate the injustice this poor man just suffered? Please stop giving impulse interviews... you're not good at it.

Posted by: anonymous on February 10, 2007 04:40 PM


Why hasn't anyone (other than bloggers) stood up for the campaign, and questioned the insanity here?

I guess someone from Snickers is next.

Posted by: darryl on February 10, 2007 05:58 PM

"a show no one had ever heard of"

Wow, speak for yourself. Where have you been for the last six years? ATHF was one of the flagship shows on Adult Swim. AdRants would probably LOVE the episode titled "Boost Mobile."


Posted by: pylbug on February 12, 2007 11:12 AM

So they went a little over budget with the bomb scare. Is that reason enough to fire him?

Posted by: 2 Million Blah on February 12, 2007 12:02 PM

Perhaps it's the Mayor who should be doing the resigning here? Oh, and stay out of the tunnels -- caution falling roof!

Posted by: spasierb on February 12, 2007 02:14 PM

He's a patsy!!!

Posted by: Exxon on February 12, 2007 02:30 PM

We are such cowards.

Posted by: Old Cowboy on February 12, 2007 06:11 PM

This video says it all:


Posted by: Yo on February 12, 2007 09:58 PM

He should have stood up for that campaign. Just because some people in this country are idiots does not mean the rest of us must suffer. This campaign was something that was pretty original and instead of another huge billboard, and actually is pretty nice to look at. He has no spine.

Posted by: rob on February 12, 2007 11:04 PM

He should have stood up for that campaign. Just because some people in this country are idiots does not mean the rest of us must suffer. This campaign was something that was pretty original and instead of another huge billboard, and actually is pretty nice to look at. He has no spine.

Posted by: rob on February 12, 2007 11:05 PM

Interference should�ve stood up for it.

Posted by: makethelogobigger on February 12, 2007 11:21 PM

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