Beyonce Puff-Puffs and Pisses Off Aussies


Balendu draws our attention to this promotion for Beyonce Knowles' upcoming tour in Australia, which is drawing controversy from the usual slew of anti-smoking groups and mean PC people. One such group actually contacted the Federal Dept of Health to say the ad acts as a tobacco promotion, thus breaching the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act.

We're surprised by the lifelong groomed artist's decision to use the old-fashioned cigarette holder, particularly because of strong negative sentiment about tobacco's effects (as if nobody knew before). Nonetheless, the act makes a statement and we're impressed by B's gumption. The untouchable Audrey would appreciate the political hat-tip, even if her immortal pose with the long cigarette is decidedly more chic.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Celebrity, Outdoor, Policy, Social     Feb-20-07  


Now my question is, has beyonce...sorry Beyonce drawn so much bad publicity (in general) that this will help kill her tour before the wheels hit the ground? Australian political pressure can be rather obnoxious. Maybe a round about way to say the P.R. stinks and some one didn't do their home work.

Posted by: Roy on February 20, 2007 10:24 PM

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