Zune Ad Blows. Literally. OK, Figuratively But Still


We know Microsoft wants us all to think its new Zune MP3 player is the MP3's answer to social networking what with its questionably easy method of song sharing and such . What we didn't know was just how social the staid monolith would get in order to convey its apparently very friendly social skills. Look at this banner ad for Zune found on Metacritic and ask yourself exactly what this particular sort of social activity has do to with song sharing. And before all you conservative types jump out of your seat and scream "Adrants goes for cheap salaciousness again!", ask yourself why Microsoft or the art director behind this creation cold not have chosen from 3 million other shots of a woman making love to a microphone before choosing this image which alludes to an entirely different kind of love making. Click the image to increase the size of the love making.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (2)     File: Brands, Online, Racy, Strange     Jan-23-07  


My favorite Zune photo is the one where the Zune guy is squirting out a brown Zune:


Posted by: btn [TypeKey Profile Page] on January 23, 2007 11:55 PM

FYI, Zunecomplaints.net has basically copied almost your entire post.

Posted by: eas on January 24, 2007 04:37 PM

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