PETA Chick Undresses for State of the Union


PETA conducts its State of the Union with the one gimmick it knows can't fail: by having a somewhat attractive representative take her clothes off and talk at the same time.

We didn't really even pay attention to what she said because we were too busy lampooning her for her tasteless choice of underwear. If you're going to exploit women as a gimmick to keep people from exploiting animals, can't you at least find them better knickers than whatever they had lying around courtesy of their (already abusive) not-for-profit paycheques?

And don't even get us started on the hugging chickens and monkeys that appeared shortly after she finished her mediocre moment in the sun.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (13)     File: Online, Social     Jan-22-07  


What a terrible video. Who wants to hear some PETA intern drone on and on like that? I couldn't even sit through it to get to the undressing part. Not that it's original to begin with. Proves once again that PETA is made up of people who are completely unhinged.

Posted by: daveednyc on January 22, 2007 12:47 PM

certainly a valid point about the bra and panties. Maybe would have been better if she had lettuce underwear on...

But other than that i think it was well down. And i give a lot of credit to that girl. She obv cares a lot about the issue. go peta. go peta's sexy girl.

Posted by: jojo on January 22, 2007 12:50 PM

I disagree w/ Ad Rants on this one - if you go to and see what happens to animals used for meat and eggs, you'll see why PETA members like this woman are willing to do some crazy stuff to speak out for these poor animals. You never see articles in newspapers about how badly chickens and pigs are treated, or about going vegetarian - the press doesn't like to talk about these issues because they are worried viewers will find it unpleasant. So PETA has to do some eye-catching stunts to bring animal cruelty to people's attention. I say more power to this woman, to PETA and all the vegetarians out there who actually put their cruelty-free food where their mouths are when it comes to making the world a better place.

Posted by: Chris on January 22, 2007 01:10 PM

I watched the whole thing. I kinda heard what she was saying. This worked. For those of you who couldn't deal with her speech, you are suckers.

Posted by: dave on January 22, 2007 01:25 PM

good god, whats with PETA? everytime someone posts about one of their campaigns/promotions they send out their troops of interns?(not confirmed) to make pro-peta comments... I recieved some blatently fake ones on my site within minutes of posting about this skin-fest....newsflash: it cheapens the campaign!!

Posted by: brent on January 22, 2007 01:27 PM

She doesn't practice what she preaches: she shaved her pussy!

Posted by: Snake on January 22, 2007 02:31 PM

brent, that's because PETA is a cult and it manipulates and exploits its serf-class of young 20-somethings.

Posted by: daveednyc on January 22, 2007 03:37 PM

Yep that Peta bunch has done gone and got into Porno too, however they did a poor job of this too!!

Posted by: Old Redneck on January 22, 2007 04:02 PM

I must be on the intern shit-list... no one has spammed my comments on my post of this as of yet. Ariel, the intern-intimidator.

Posted by: ariel on January 22, 2007 05:25 PM

This video is completely absurd. How do they expect to be taken seriously with crap like that? Does anyone even remember what the video was all about? It's all shock value and no substance. Of course, that's basically been PETA's style forever (and this is coming from someone who supports more mainstream animal rights groups like HSUS and ASPCA).

Posted by: Tim on January 22, 2007 11:28 PM

This video is completely absurd. How do they expect to be taken seriously with crap like that? Does anyone even remember what the video was all about? It's all shock value and no substance. Of course, that's basically been PETA's style forever (and this is coming from someone who supports more mainstream animal rights groups like HSUS and ASPCA).

Posted by: Tim on January 22, 2007 11:29 PM

Being a proud member of PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals, I must say that after watching that video, I know want to add the shaved American beaver to my list of tasty animals to eat

Posted by: Big Tuna on January 23, 2007 06:12 PM

Being a proud member of PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals, I must say that after watching that video, I now want to add the shaved American beaver to my list of tasty animals to eat

Posted by: Big Tuna on January 23, 2007 06:13 PM

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