Neurotic Geico Caveman Gets All OC On Our Asses


Make the Logo Bigger shimmies us over to the latest Geico installment involving their star neurotic having the usual no-fun-at-all at a caveman schmooze fest.

The spot's a bit smug for our taste but we love those douchey Park Avenue twangs.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (4)     File: Brands, Commercials, Online, Television     Jan-16-07  


Ok Steve I'll buy the smug and the tired Park Ave twangs, I'll even agree it creates a little smile.
Aftert seeing the thing I don't know a thing about Geico, except it's name. I see it as a waste of my time and their money.

Posted by: roy on January 16, 2007 01:21 PM

That's part of this longer video with the GEICO Cavemen:

Posted by: Janet & Edgar [TypeKey Profile Page] on January 16, 2007 04:20 PM

The Cave Man sucks. How unoriginal can it get? Please.

Posted by: DofAM on January 16, 2007 10:45 PM

i have no idea why these caveman spots are good. can someone please explain it to me? why did one of these turds win a silver pencil? is it just dumb "snl" "lowest common denominator" humor? i think the bud light stuff is that, but it is FUNNY. these are not. are they? HELP!

Posted by: i'm a hack on January 17, 2007 12:27 AM

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