Subservient Santa Shakes in Sassy Sequence


Subservient Chicken - so yesterday. Adrants reader Mark presents us with this warped fusion of Subservient Chicken and Parappa the Rappa, Office Max's North Pole Dancing which, disappointingly, isn't what it sounds like. There's no pole (so no removal of clothing - then again, why would we want that?) but sometimes there is a candy-cane, which is a little redeeming but not by much.

Get Santa to dance in a sequence you choose but not really because all the moves are pre-selected. We're not quite inspired to buy Bic pens in bulk but we were amused for like 8 seconds. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Online     Dec- 1-06  


Looking for a real subservient Santa? Try this...

Posted by: Charles Marshall on December 3, 2006 04:26 PM

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