Pinar Lets Silverware Speak for Themselves
Givenchy once said something about how elegance can always be found in the simplicity of a straight line. We totally slaughtered that. In any case, we think the philosophy is well-demonstrated in this ad for Pinar by agency Tempus.
The headline reads "Investment for flavour"; the body says, "Pınar, Turkey's 31 yeared flavour brand, is continuing to grow with your investments and add flavour in your meals."
We're not sure what they sell considering the first image we saw on their site was this one, which intensely perplexed us, but we'd probably buy forks from them. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
I think this ad is from
What Pinar says is "Mmmmmm" enjoying the food sound.
About the first image you saw, its the announcement of Pınar's children theatre's new play "Must make them laugh" & 20th anniversary of the theater.