Funeral Ad Invites Customers a Little Closer to Demise


In moralizing reverie, Stop Geek points out this funeral ad posted alongside some metro rails. We have to admit it gave us the shakes considering we did get a little closer to a similarly positioned ad that probably merited it less. And we have to admit it's a wittier campaign than the calendar girls on coffins, though its tastefulness may come into as much question.

In our experience professionals in the funeral industry have a cadaverously dry but present sense of humour. (Really, how can you not?) Some people take life too seriously. Some people take death too seriously. They're two sides of the same coin; if indeed you feel the compulsion to come closer, then ... well ... we don't know what to tell you. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (0)     File: Good, Outdoor, Strange     Dec- 4-06  


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