Bong Girl, X-Woman Says Be Nice to Dogs


Oh we just can't pass on featuring one of our favorite, over-the-top Bond girls Zena Onatop aka Famke Jansen who is appearing in a "Be An Angel For Animals" PETA ad. Famke and PETA want us to be nice to dogs this holiday season. The ad, shot by Andrew Southam, was unveiled at an event yesterday in LA at Runyon Canyon Park. So don't crate your dog when you go to the inlaws for Christmas this year. Call Famke and I'm sure she'd be happy to come over and watch your dog.

File: Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Magazine    Comments (1)    20-Dec-06    Bookmark This


she's a hottie but i am lost on what PETA's point is? it's not okay for Santa to own reindeer but it's alright for a hottie to own a dog?

i'm a member of PETA. People Eating Tasty Animals that is. if the dog dies of natural causes is it alright to make a coat out of its skin?

Posted by: sayten on December 20, 2006 01:41 PM

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