Lux Makes Stop Motion and Soap a Somehow Sexy Combination


Portland-Based Bent Image Lab gets innovative and uses a human face to sex up a stop motion character who goes from sweetheart to siren in this 60-second ad for Lux Provocateur soap and agency Santo Argentina (Spanish version here). Executive Producer Ray Di Carlo explains, "It was just a really good way to solve a problem I see in some stop motion puppets --a lack of soul."

Technical breakthroughs aside, the content is a far cry from Wallace and Grommett. After a forest bath with some black Lux soap the id-operative heroine makes the antlers of deer grow in addition to turning up mustaches on her former village brothers. And what in hell is going on with the whip-wielding gnome-looking thing? - Contributed by Angela Natividad

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (3)     File: Best, Racy, Strange, Television     Nov-17-06  


Now there's something you don't see every day..

Nice ad, but nobody does soap better than Lush.

Posted by: closethipster [TypeKey Profile Page] on November 17, 2006 01:12 PM

I like the 30 second version I got in-market last month better. The gnome? She passes a regular garden knome on her way to the forest, so the S&M gnome just shows how the world has evolved since her transformation.

The Squirrel is my favorite part.

Posted by: pinsanneedles on November 17, 2006 02:57 PM

You know damn well the gnome is the South American cousin of "The Poisoned Dwarf" Ever since his wife relegated him to the basement Sir Martin has been cruising the world looking for more agencies to suck up. Now the Falklands ass kicking is long over, he's zeroing in on Argentina. See, there's always a logical reason for everything. You just have to ask.

Posted by: George Parker on November 18, 2006 10:43 PM

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