Altoids Boggles But Hey, Ads Have to Entertain, Right?


We don't even know if Leo Burnett still has Altoids as an account but if they do, there's some serious mental illness going on in the creative bowels of 35 West Wacker. With each successive Altoids campaign, things just get stranger and stranger. Perhaps that's the point but their recent Souro thing just boggles. Perhaps that's the point and perhaps we're just old school and like to...oh...have a fucking clue what we're being sold and why we'd want to buy it in the first place.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (4)     File: Agencies, Campaigns, Online     Nov-13-06  


they try to copy that burger king Darth Vader thing and they just mess it up. Sad.

Posted by: c-it on November 13, 2006 03:26 PM

Burnett did not do this work. It smacks of the geeks at WDDG who do online Altoids stuff. Very strange, they should have spent the money actually leveraging Sours Challenge on their site. I couldn't find it on there.

Posted by: Bite my arse on November 13, 2006 07:59 PM

You fools! I am not for the feeble-minded to understand!

Posted by: Souro on November 17, 2006 04:23 PM

You fools! I am not for the feeble-minded to understand!

Posted by: Souro on November 17, 2006 04:24 PM

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