Youth Panelists Tell Guy Kawasaki About Media Habits


We all love to go to trade shows to schmooze with others in the industry, attend panel discussions in hopes we pick up the latest cool marketing tactic and, perhaps, strike a business deal or two. While some of that may have merit, in this fast changing media landscape where everyone's skipping your ads, blocking your pop ups and stripping banners from web pages, it's unlikely any panel is going to deliver you as much insight and usable information as this Guy Kawasaki-led panel called Next Generation Insights. The panel consisted of kids aged 16 to 24 and offered up more a treasure trove of first hand information about media usage habits that will soon define the future of media. From cell phone usage to use of MySpace to IM to online shopping to text messaging gaming to computer usage habits to television viewing to magazine readership to iPod usage to email to online video to RSS and more. It's a motherlode of insightful, usable information about a generation that is indicative of what media usage will look like in the future.

After watching this, you will very quickly realize that all current methods of marketing have a very, very...very short lifespan. There are bright spots though. Interestingly, magazines and billboards were mentioned as viable media outlets. Give it a watch.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (4)     File: Good, Industry Events, Research, Trends and Culture     Oct-12-06  


Good clip. You could probably take a little issue with that California demo and the way some of the questions were framed, but still, those are small things. Definitely a lot of interesting responses and useful info from the panel. Worth watching for sure.

Posted by: makethelogobigger on October 13, 2006 12:59 AM

Agreed, this is a good video, but these kids are clearly not representative of society as a whole. For a "real" exploration of the next generation, i'd like to see some kids from outside the "mommy bought me a Prius" crowd

Posted by: True on October 13, 2006 09:27 AM

Very true, True, but we have to start somewhere. I still think there are some universal truths here.

Posted by: Steve Hall on October 13, 2006 09:49 AM

Great article...demographic was high level educationally and monatary elete Silicon Valley kids. would have been nice to have more diversity.

Posted by: John on October 13, 2006 02:43 PM

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