Site Helps Ladies Learn How to Tease Guys


Seriously. No, seriously. Ignore that rollerbabe because this one's for the ladies. This is not another gratuitous attempt from a marketer to turn humans into receptacles for lust just to sell a product. Nope. This site, created by UK agency Outside Line we're told, is special. It doesn't feature the phallic-shaped product every time a page loads. It doesn't slather on the saucy language and offer cutesy teasing advice, it doesn't have a game with crappy navigation that makes sure the whole notion of teasing is reinforced and it doesn't have a section that features beefy, not completely clothed hunks as eye candy.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (7)     File: Games, Online     Jul-17-06  


mindshare WPP is so on target with this site. unilever has a 13-24 demographic that this hot pink so well executed site promotes- i predict awards anfter the viral storm sends this to the moon. something here for the guys and the bebe set too. pure delicious eyecandy. Thx Steve!

Posted by: adgoose on July 17, 2006 01:22 PM

If you guys hadn't already set my mind in that direction I probably wouldn't have noticed that the Impulse bottle is rather phallic looking. I'm a bit past their marketing group age-wise but I can see this campaign working fairly well with the 18-24 market.

Posted by: Nancy Cavanaugh on July 17, 2006 02:23 PM

I don't get it. Great promotion for the product, really on the spot with targetted demographics but... for what country?

I'm seeing this online, I read about it, check the site, and voila: there's Rio de Janeiro!

I check the mobile downloads and it says: send IMPULSE to 87766 etc. Well, I AM in Rio, can I send that? What is the mobile operator? Where is that promotion for?

Why marketeers forget that anything online is gonna be seen around the world? Does it hurt to add a footnote saying "Downloads only for the UK"?

Posted by: Silvia Heilborn on July 17, 2006 04:09 PM

this is a sweet campaign.
it's got all the ingredients that a 16-245 yr old girl wants.

some tips (to get boys)
some fun (a game)
some rewards (mobile downloads)
reasons to come back (monthly competiton)
and some chat skins for Messenger (since teens are spending all day and night with these)

I remember the act on impulse site last year. it was crap.
this takes it by another couple of levels.


Posted by: Harry on July 18, 2006 06:17 AM

Steve, who did it?

Posted by: Mo P on July 18, 2006 09:18 AM

The digital agency 'Outside Line' created the Impulse website. i think they were working with Cake

Posted by: munkeyman on July 19, 2006 06:13 AM

Just to clarify. This site was created by Agency Republic - not Outside Line.

I should know - I work there

Posted by: Gavin on October 24, 2007 12:32 PM

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