If Coke Says It's Viral, It Must Be Viral


Anytime a press release comes in and claims it's schilling the next great viral, prior to its release, mind you, we always wince a bit and try to refrain from opening the window and screaming "a viral can't fucking be a viral until it's actually gone viral!" OK. Now that we have that out of our system, we're pleased to announce the release of Inspiration, the latest Wieden + Kennedy/Amsterdam created Bottle Films...um...viral from Coke. It carries the "Coke Side of Life" tag and is all hippy dippy with...hold your breath..."cutting edge new bands and music to soundtrack the films and re-enforce Coke as a relevant brand to teens."

OK, then. Enjoy. Because Coke adds life and gives you a feeling you can't beat which makes you smile and look up while you realize life is good which makes you feel the difference so much that you want buy the world a Coke because you know things go better with a Coke especially when catching the wave as you play during the red hot summer, relaxing with your Coke and the realization that life is good and that Coke is most definitely it.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (5)     File: Viral     Jul- 5-06  


Happiness in a bottle? Maybe acid.

I'm sorry but while it's neat, I don't understand how it's viral. There are building blocks that help make things go viral, and I don't see any of em.

Posted by: Sean on July 5, 2006 12:51 PM

Calling webfilms "viral films" is one of my biggest pet peeves. Or when CDs say to do some "cool viral thing". That's like saying "Hey, this time around, do something people actually like". Wow, what a novel idea.

Posted by: Tom Tom on July 5, 2006 01:30 PM

An old ad writer of some note made the statement"Cartoons can sell things to children, but they are below average in selling to grown-ups. They don't hold the viewer as well as live action, and they are less persuasive." You might want to dig up some of the Gallup reports on this one.

Posted by: Roy on July 5, 2006 03:07 PM

OK, You got me there - nice one -
\Still got teeth

Posted by: tamir berkman on July 5, 2006 08:08 PM

Viral would have been for Coke to have been smart enough and nimble enough to ride the Diet Coke/Mentos buzz- not make lame PR statements and ignore it.

They have a long way to go before they are cool or cutting edge. This isn't viral - this is something labeled viral so they can have the words viral in their annual marketing decks.

Posted by: Brad on July 6, 2006 11:18 AM

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