Nike McFly Sneaker Activist Interviewed On Spacecadetz Myspace Blog


In February of this year, a blog called Spacecadetz launched. The purpose of the blog is to highlight some of the best MySpace content from profiles to videos to new features to events. Currently, the blog has an interview with Al Cabino, the man behind a petition that asks Nike to bring back McFlys, the sneakers featured in the Michael J. Fox movie Back to the Future II. Cabino, who's coined the term "sneaker activism" doesn't want to wait until 2015, the year rumor has it Nike will, perhaps, introduce McFlys to the public. Cabino wants the kicks now and has launched a vigorous campaign to get Nike's attention.

He's been asking us to write about his petition for almost a year and we just couldn't get that excited about it. After all, these were sneakers that might have been cool circa 1985. Though they'd certainly look different if re-introduced, today, they look like they belong in the same back closet pile with the Member Only jacket. But, to each his own. Fashion is a relative term.That's why we have Trucker Hats. Anyway, he's running a successful campaign and has 17,000 signatures to date and it's an intriguing approach to get a brand to make something it could immediately sell to at least 17,000 people.

by Steve Hall    Comments (15)     File: Brands, Consumer Created, Viral, Weblogs     May- 8-06     


I would be content if Nike were to pay the people who make its shoes a living wage. Now.

Posted by: Jhames [TypeKey Profile Page] on May 8, 2006 11:12 AM

Why pick on Nike - I would be happy if US consumers started paying the full price for oil and the hundred and one other products they rip off from the third world. Nike hardly stands out from the pack unless you're a thoughtless idiot who is too lazy to read beyond the headlines - where do you think Levi jeans come from these days? Same place Nike shoes come from - get my drift Jhames.

Posted by: Bondi Tram on May 10, 2006 05:46 PM

Why pick on Nike - I would be happy if US consumers started paying the full price for oil (I hope you ride a push bike James or at leats catch the bus to work) and the hundred and one other products they rip off from the third world. Nike hardly stands out from the pack unless you're a thoughtless idiot who is too lazy to read beyond the headlines - where do you think Levi jeans come from these days? Same place Nike shoes come from - get my drift Jhames. Either be even-handed or get over it.

Posted by: Bondi Tram on May 10, 2006 05:47 PM

I am vegan, I use a bike for my means of transportation, I shop at a co-op grocery where I am also a member, I support union labels, and I would never Levi's jeans since they do nothing for my ass.

One hand feeds the other. Bounce, Bondi.

Posted by: Jhames [TypeKey Profile Page] on May 17, 2006 01:59 AM

Hey it would be cool if you joined and posted your blogs there. It's kinda like myspace but for the older crowd i guess you would say the people are alot nicer and you actually meet new friends.

Posted by: myspace on May 18, 2006 03:49 AM

Rumor has it that is coming out with a better version November 20th 2006

Posted by: brian cliff on October 19, 2006 01:35 AM

I didn't know myspace had anything to do with nike mcFly sneakers i will have to take a look at that.

Posted by: myspace on November 12, 2006 08:46 PM

Myspace is too huge to be friendly, also there are too fake profiles i think. So recommend to use smaller community sites (like for example)

Posted by: social networking on April 4, 2007 09:11 AM

Nothing like a little self promotion to start the day, Mr. social networking :-)

Posted by: Steve Hall on April 4, 2007 10:03 AM

pls visit this:

Posted by: weng on July 12, 2007 12:34 PM

Nike dunks are my fav kicks, but lately I am feeling some air jordans that came out recently.

Posted by: Nike SB on September 22, 2007 08:37 PM

i would like to see some nike shoes made by japanese, isn't cool?

Posted by: nike shoes on November 3, 2007 03:28 AM

Mann yall just keep doin it main i like these shoes i thank any shoes yall come out with are bad so i mean just keep makin �em and ima keep buyin �em

Posted by: Nike Dunk on November 14, 2007 12:27 PM

Sorry, not feeling these kicks they aint dope...

Posted by: Free RPG Game on December 30, 2007 12:48 AM

Man I think they dope as hell now.

Posted by: Hid Conversion Kit on December 30, 2007 12:51 AM

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