Not Everyone Likes Jessica Simpson And Pizza Hut


We thought we'd share this comment with your from a reader who doesn't like sex in advertising and wrote, "You know I thought Pizza Hut was family wholesome type of resturant. So why do your ads on TV have to show smut with Jessica Simpson. What is she trying to excite this boy with Pizza bites? Or being half naked? Is smut and sex all this county knows to try to sell something? No wounder this county is going to hell. I refuse to ever eat in Pizza Hut ever again. And by the way your salad bars are yuk. Especialy the dressings."

Obviously, sex doesn't sell for everyone as we often debate.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (17)     File: Commercials, Opinion, Super Bowl 2006     Feb- 7-06  


who doesn't like whores?

Posted by: anon on February 7, 2006 04:57 PM

I agree with the writer. Just a bad choice in so many ways....okay, I get the whole Jessica Simpson bit. As sad as I think it is that she's slidin' down that slippery slope...whatever. But too a kid? Pedo anyone? Was Michael Jackson busy? It was sick.

And yes. Pizza Hut is a family restaurant. We're not talking about Hooter's here.

What WAS funny was the Jessica vs. Miss Piggy angle...they should have played on that and left the kid out of it.

Posted by: Michael on February 7, 2006 05:46 PM

I don't think it was a great spot by any stretch, but common people ... it isn't the reason this country is going to hell.

Maybe Pizza Hut is betting that adolescent angst is more profitable than playing to the Disney lunch bunch.

I'd suggest boycotting Pizza Hut because their food is bad and not because they appeal to sex crazed teens.

Posted by: Bruce DeBoer on February 7, 2006 10:55 PM

c'mon common people

who doesn't like whores?

Posted by: anon on February 8, 2006 12:21 AM

"I'd suggest boycotting Pizza Hut because their food is bad and not because they appeal to sex crazed teens."

Why not boycott them on the grounds of false advertising? No Pizza Hut waitress who ever served me who looked like THAT.

I�m also pretty sure the boy wasn't focused on pizza bites.

But the original writer is correct. I�m never eating in Pizza Hut again. I�m getting it to go.

Posted by: makethelogobigger on February 8, 2006 12:22 AM

i think this guy needs to learn to spell before he shoots his big mouth again. what the hell is wrong with using sex to sell stuff you freaky mororn?? I hate this, because iam defending an un-creative ad. Oh yes, i think the copywriter should have his body part cut off...for being so lame. Damn...why oh why we tolerate this mediocrity and stupidity?

Posted by: b on February 8, 2006 12:28 AM

I was going to comment but I need the American Family Association to tell me what to think first.

Posted by: liebowriter on February 8, 2006 02:28 AM

Poor guy his 'county' is going to hell, the one Pizza Slut in town sucks, and his wife got mad at him for oogling over Jessica Simpson.

I'm with makethelogobigger - I still won't eat at Pizza Slut (didn't know you could), delivery as usual.

And yes the CD on that commercial should be dragged through town and thrown in the river - what a piece of crap. It's supposed to be sex then pizza, make the kid a 34yr old male, and JS should be a little mussed up...I can volunteer for the live run through.

Posted by: Tmoney on February 8, 2006 07:08 AM

Marketers are basically giving most life-starved people what they want, dreams of sex with some perfect young thing, male or female, or both! We're a pretty sick bunch of puppies...

Posted by: Rick Resnick on February 8, 2006 10:09 AM

I'm with Bruce.

I'm no fan of Ms. Simpson and think the spot is awful, but the bigger question is: who needs pizza with schmancy, cheese filled, pull-off pop thingies?

Pizza is supposed to be pizza. That stuff is swill.

Posted by: ellen on February 8, 2006 01:45 PM

well in his county anyhow

Posted by: annie on February 8, 2006 02:37 PM

I like sex as much as the next guy. Well, the next 58-year-old guy. But my idea of a table dance isn't at Pizza Hut. Crap pizza. Crap spot. BBDO? The "it" shop? This isn't it.

Posted by: AdNostic on February 10, 2006 09:58 AM

I like sex as much as the next guy. Well, the next 58-year-old guy. But my idea of a table dance isn't at Pizza Hut. Crap pizza. Crap spot. BBDO? The "it" shop? This isn't it.

Posted by: AdNostic on February 10, 2006 09:59 AM

I like sex as much as the next guy. Well, the next 58-year-old guy. But my idea of a table dance isn't at Pizza Hut. Crap pizza. Crap spot. BBDO? The "it" shop? This isn't it.

Posted by: AdNostic on February 10, 2006 11:53 AM

I hate the fact that Pizza Hut uses sex to sell, mainly because I work at a Pizza Hut, and have been long before Jessica Simpson was ever hired.
Boycotting Pizza Hut alone honestly won't make a difference unless everyone banned together and boycotted it on the sake of sex-in-sales only. And people cannot stop eating pizza! I say, if you want to boycott something, form a large group of people against sex-in-sales and boycott a more familiar, more driven-by-sex-sales product, such as a famous beer. Why? They are WIRED to these advertisements, unlike Pizza Hut, who have been using the Muppets, E.T., The Land Before Time, Beauty and the Beast, Care Bears, Nascar, Batman/Spiderman Comics, Back to the Future movies, Star Wars, The Flintstones, Barbie dolls, even country music stars, to sell pizza. Then Pizza Hut resorts to a cheap floozy once, and poof. Boycott. What a joke.
Pizza Hut has made one mistake: of hiring a bimbo to advertise pizza...but has it worked? Ask me. I've had customers come into my resturant countless times and ask "Is Jessica working?" "Does Jessica come with the pizza?" Perhaps if people weren't so driven by advertisements and the media, we wouldn't be able to complain about it in the first place.
THAT'S what we should be disgusted with.

Posted by: Audrey on April 3, 2006 07:19 PM

I am totally offended by this commercial. It should be taken off the air.

Posted by: Jennifer on February 6, 2007 08:05 PM

Well, it's a year since my last post and she still stinks.

She can't act, she looks like a mannequin and the commercial is just plain awful.

Why is Jessica even famous? Feh.

Posted by: Ellen on February 7, 2007 11:16 AM

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