Halftime Flush Celebrated by Scott Toilet Paper


This year, there seems to be a fascination with the flushing of toilets during halftime. Like the obsession with national toilet flush stats following M*A*S*H, Scott tissue will leverage the notion that all 90 million Super Bowl viewers will collectively go to the bathroom at the same time with the launch of Halftime Flush, a site touting the dissolvability of Scott toilet paper. On the site, Mike Ditka lends his intense convicibility to Scott's superior toilet tissue and a game allows visitors to match toilets to their flushing sounds. OK, so bathroom humor is always a good standby but we like VIA's simpler approach to the whole halftime flush thing.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Agencies, Games, Spoofs, Super Bowl 2006, Viral     Jan-25-06  


This crappy-advertisement skipping is brought to me by my ReplayTV! Woo hoo!

Posted by: Hoqenishy on January 26, 2006 01:03 PM

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