Adrants Contender in 'Battle of the Ad Blogs'


It's always a welcome bit of ego-stroking when one finds oneself worthy of consideration. Adrants has been named a contender in AdLand's Battle of the Ad Blogs in the Best Commercial Ad Blog category. We're joined in that category by some other very fine ad blogs including Adhurl, AdJab, AdFreak, MarketingVOX, The Spunker and Fast Company. We're honored to be among such a fine collection of fellow advertising opinionites.

Other categories in the Battle include Best Non English Language Ad Blog, Best Ad-Porn Blog (lots of ad images, not porn images), Best General Ad Commentary, Best Ad Commentary Not From The United States, Best Ad Agency Ad Blog, Best Planner/Teorist Blog, Best School Ad Blog, Best Design Discussion Blog, Best Typography Blog, Best Marketing Blog, Best PR Blog, Best Viral Blog, Best Inspiration Blog, Best Online/Interactive Blog and Best Topical Blog. So go check out all the blogs and give a shout out to your favorite ones.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (3)     File: Industry Events, Weblogs     Jan-20-06  


We are so disappointed in you ad nation. Have you ever heard of this new thing called birth control? You produce awards shows faster than liquored-up rabbits at a county fair. If you hear of any additional ad awards starting...say, on Monday December 23rd, dubbing themselves "The Intramural Awards of Advertising", don't be tempted by their promise of fame and shiny awards. Walk away, slap yourself on the back, and reward your new found self-restraint with a new black turtleneck.

Posted by: Empty Box Awards on January 20, 2006 10:07 AM

You're not endorsing any? Geez. ;-)

Posted by: Jeremy Pepper on January 20, 2006 10:54 AM

Best wishes Steve!
Thogh I feel blogs are nothing but glorified diaries.
And trust the advertising world to cook up another award!

Posted by: Sunil Shibad on January 20, 2006 02:01 PM

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