Agency Holiday Card Offers Practical Information


Toronto-based iStudio has created a Holiday card that offers far more than a bit of humor and wit. iStudio has developed a "card" with 12 parts following the 12 days of Christmas advent calendar tradition. Each business day, a new part is revealed. Each part contains indepth information on particular topics which range from shopping to travel to Christmas cocktails to music to baking and more. The "card" also has an RSS feed to subscribers can be notified when each new day's topic has been posted. It's a nice idea and had we not seen it, we'd never know about the Candy Cane Martini.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Agencies     Dec-12-05  


Just a plea for less-sloppy writing in your otherwise wonderful e-newsletter: In your iStudio blurb, you wrote (or they wrote)"... iStudio has developed a "card" with 12 parts following the 12 days of Christmas advent calendar tradition."

You (or they) have morphed two "traditions" into one here: Advent= the 40 days PRIOR TO Christmas, as in "advent--awaiting" and the "12 Days of Christmas" are the 12 days including and after Christmas Day and leading us up to January 6 or Epiphany.

So...without clicking through to the aforementioned calendar thingy--it would appear what they've actually created is an anachronism or, at the very least, confusion.

Posted by: chris on December 13, 2005 03:08 PM

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